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Do you want to join our ballet lessons? come on!
Have a great time practicing and improving your ballet technique! new ballet lessons for beginners, everything you need to learn to begin with the basic ballet steps.
Did you know that you can learn ballet at home? you wont need a huge gym, or a empty room. Our new ballet class for beginners and our ballet dancing lessons at home allows you to train and practice at home without equipment.
What can you find on our ballet tutorial?
- Ballerina dance step by step
- Stretching moves to begin and to finalize the exercises.
- Technique and some ballet dances to practice step by step.
- Ballet at home and ballet moves from beginner through expert!
Some of the benefits of ballet lessons for beginners:
Ballet dancing can be an intense workout. It helps to increase the heart rate, improve the cardiovascular health, increase the endurance, and assist their stamina. It's a great exercise. Students also see benefits when it comes to strength and flexibility
Learn ballet moves:
? Assemblé (assam blay) - Lifting off the floor on one leg, and landing on two. Legs assemble at the same time and return to fifth position.
? Grande Jeté (grand jeh tay) - a big jump from one foot to the other in which the working leg is brushed into the air and appears to have been thrown.
? Plié (plee ay) - means bent, bending - of the knee or knees.
? Pirouette (peer o wet) - a rotation or spin - a complete turn of the body on one foot, on point or demi-pointe (half- pointe).
? Tour en l'air (tour on lair) - a turn in the air - usually a male dancer's step, although ballerinas may do them to depending on the choreography.
Ballet Position Terms:
? Arabesque (Ah rah besk) - a position on one leg with the other leg raised behind the body and extended in a straight line.
? Attitude (ah tea tude) - A variation on the arabesque. The extended leg is raised behind the body but bent at the knee at an angle of 90 degrees.
? Croisé (quo say) - A dancer stands with legs crossed at an angle to the audience. The disengaged leg may be crossed in the front or in the back.
? Turn-out - The dancer turns his or her feet and legs out from the hip joints to a 90-degree position.
Types of Ballet:
? Classical Ballet - a traditional style of ballet which stresses the academic technique developed through the centuries of the existence of ballet.
? Modern Ballet - a type of ballet from the twentieth century. To this day, modern ballet looks to re-invent itself and reach out in an ever-increasing facet of creation and movement.
Enjoy ballet lessons for beginners at home and dance like a swan.