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Harap unduh dan bagikan Manga - Free Manga Reader App - v1.0.8, salah satu dari Aplikasi unggulan di kategori Komik.
Plus, beberapa Aplikasi lainnya yang dapat Anda unduh sebagai Manga Dogs (MOD, VIP Unkocked) MOD APK, Manga Park W, Banana Eats Obby Guide, WeRead, InManga, Manta Comics. Jika Anda merasa puas dengan Manga - Free Manga Reader App - v1.0.8.
Dirilis oleh Manga Group, Manga - Free Manga Reader App - v1.0.8 adalah salah satu aplikasi telepon seluler gratis dan terbaik yang tersedia saat ini. Terletak di Komik kategori toko aplikasi.
Sistem operasi minimum untuk Manga - Free Manga Reader App - v1.0.8 adalah 5.0 and up dan lebih tinggi. Jadi Anda harus memperbarui ponsel Anda jika Anda belum melakukannya.
Di APKDroid, Anda akan mendapatkan Manga - Free Manga Reader App - v1.0.8 unduhan gratis APK, dengan versi terbaru adalah 1.0.8, tanggal publikasi 2020-04-07, ukuran file 16M.Menurut statistik dari Google Play Store, ada sekitar 1000 unduhan. Aplikasi yang diunduh atau dipasang satu per satu di Android dapat diperbarui jika Anda mau. Perbarui aplikasi Anda juga. Memberi Anda akses ke fitur terbaru dan meningkatkan keamanan dan stabilitas aplikasi. Nikmati sekarang !!!

Manga App is a free app for reading manga online on mobile. It simply aggregates links and content from Internet in a convenient, user-friendly interface.
Manga App provides the most comfortable reading experience on your mobile device. It’s updated every day and easy to use with the following features.
* Absolutely Free!
All manga on Manga App are FREE to read.
* Huge Manga Library
- Access to the world’s biggest manga library from the most popular manga sources such as MangaFox, MangaFreak, MangaReader, MangaEden, KissManga, MangaStream...
- Support different languages such as English and Italian.
- Collection of thousands manga ranging from Adventure, Action, Horror to Comedy, Mystery and many more. Discover the world of Otaku!
* Regular updates
Regular updates whenever new manga and new chapters are released in Japan!!
All your favorite manga are here, enjoy them whenever and wherever with the best user experience!
Note: Due to copyright, not all manga available in all regions.
DISCLAIMER - Manga App does not own or host any content. It simply aggregates links and content in a convenient, user-friendly interface. Please email any questions or concerns to us.
We update the app regularly so we can make it better for you. Get the latest version for all of the available Manga App features.
- Fix reading direction issue.
- Performance improvements.
- Fix issue viewing for some manga