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카테고리 출산/육아의 추천 애플리케이션 중 하나 인 BabySparks - Development Activities and Milestones - v4.5.16을 (를) 다운로드하여 공유하세요.
또한 Yubi Advanced Parental Control App, BabySparks - Development Activities and Milestones, plano – Child Screen Time & Parental Control App, Chicco BebèCare, Nani Teri Morni Ko More Le Gaye-Offline Video, Baby Tips The Ultimate Parental Guide로 다운로드 할 수있는 다른 애플리케이션도 있습니다. BabySparks - Development Activities and Milestones - v4.5.16에 만족한다면.
BabySparks에서 출시 한 BabySparks - Development Activities and Milestones - v4.5.16은 현재 사용 가능한 최고의 무료 및 최고의 휴대 전화 애플리케이션 중 하나입니다. 앱 스토어의 출산/육아 카테고리에 있습니다.
BabySparks - Development Activities and Milestones - v4.5.16의 최소 운영 체제는 Android 4.1+ 이상입니다. 아직 업데이트하지 않은 경우 휴대 전화를 업데이트해야합니다.
APKDroid에서는 BabySparks - Development Activities and Milestones - v4.5.16 APK 무료 다운로드를 받게됩니다. 최신 버전은 4.5.16, 게시일은 2020-12-18이며 파일 크기는 101.2 MB입니다.Google Play 스토어 통계에 따르면 약 1000 회 다운로드가 있습니다. Android에 개별적으로 다운로드하거나 설치된 앱은 원하는 경우 업데이트 할 수 있습니다. 앱도 업데이트하세요. 최신 기능에 대한 액세스 권한을 부여하고 보안을 강화합니다. 그리고 앱의 안정성. 지금 즐기세요 !!!
Designed by child development experts and used by millions of parents and caregivers worldwide, BabySparks offers thousands of activities and milestones for children ages 0-3. You get a personalized development program with proprietary smart adaptive technology that learns and adapts to your child’s specific needs.
During the first years of life, a child’s brain creates more than one million new neural connections EVERY SECOND. During these critical years, consistently reinforcing a broad range of positive experiences nurtures optimal brain development and has a lifelong impact.
BabySparks’ expert-created, customized daily play program helps you do the right things at the right times in the right way. And the best part is that the cornerstone of each activity is playing and spending quality time with your child.
With BabySparks you get:
- A daily program of activities that support different critical areas of development, including cognition, language, gross and fine motor skills, social-emotional, sensory, and self-care
- Brief instructional videos for each activity
- Smart adaptive technology that learns and adapts to your child’s individual needs
- The ability to search our collection of thousands of activities by category, milestone, or place
- A library of hundreds of development and parenting articles, searchable by categories or tags
- Tools to monitor your child’s milestones, progress, and growth, including personalized reports
Download BabySparks at no cost to create a profile for your child and access sample activities, milestones, and development information. Subscribe to unlock our full collection of activities, milestones, articles, tracking tools and more. You can subscribe on a monthly, annual, or lifetime basis.
Now with activities and milestones for children ages 0-3
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